Edge Life has been around for a number of years helping people with their physically, mentally and spiritually needs. Now in 2021 we are now expanding with Edge Life Health to provide new ways of preventing sickness and healing people.
The Core of Edge Life
It's out of gratitude we started this passion project. However, the core of Edge Life was Discovering the power of loving people and giving them hope in the midst of this crazy world.
Many people these days talk to the universe or accept the universe is influencing their lives. However, over many years we have grown to be fully convinced the Creator of the universe is where our focus should be. Acknowledging the Creator of all things (including you) is the start of all wisdom.
Because of humanities self-serving motivations within religion, many people have been hurt and have turned away from God primarily by all the misleading promises and false hope. That hurt has led to fear and that fear has compelled them to turn their backs on God. They've thrown the baby out with the bath water.
It's not their fault, religion wants to keep you away from the source, the Bible. Within the Bible is all you will ever need to live a life fulfilled. There is power in the Word of God and that brings fear to those who feel unworthy.
It doesn't have to be that way. You can make a choice to open your heart to God and learn from His son Jesus, the identical representation of the Father God.
The Simplicity
God - Creator of the universe is pretty simple - God is love and He is not mad at you. He wants relationship. But it's up to you. God made you in His image, meaning, you have free-will choice. You can pause, think and reason before making a choice. True love is giving a person the freedom to choose to leave with no strings attached. That's what God did, he left the choice to you (Humanity).
You Believe In Air - Right?
You can't see air, but you can see the effects of air moving around us against our skin. Same with God, you can see His brilliant creation that bursts His existence. If you can believe in air, or gravity, you also have enough faith to believe in God. Moreover, you have enough faith to believe He loves you and that you're not an accident... He made you with passion and purpose.
Mankind Messed Up the Truth about God
Look at the world around you. It's amazing! Nevertheless, God is being squashed out of our world and lives at an alarming rate. But this is nothing new. It's been happening since we became aware we have been given the power to choose.
We wonder why God allows bad things to happen, well he doesn't... He gave humanity the freedom to choose and they choose profit, control and manipulation. It's not God's fault. It's ours!
Nevertheless, God loves us too much to turn His back on us or leave us in disarray. He knew we needed help. He decided to send an example of Himself we could model from/imitate and learn His nature.
One Way Home
Over two thousand years ago, God decided humanity had gone in the completely wrong direction He had intended for us. Mankind made up a God who was mad with them and they were so bad. Breaking the rules would lead to death and destruction. But that's not God's nature, that was never His plan. However, we continue to spit in His face, sinning against the one who made us.
That's when God released His rescue plan. God's plan was to give humanity a physical representation of Himself, so we can 1) Learn the true heart nature of God and 2) Give us the opportunity to encounter His love and compassion towards us, 3) Lead us to our real home heaven and eternal life (Never fearing death again) ....introducing Jesus.
Knowing Our Heart
We are not here to preach to you or tell you what to do or don't do. We only want to see you thrive. All our products and services and information are ideas for you to consider and if they speak to your heart take action and enjoy the benefits. God is good whether you know Him or not. Your status doesn't stop Him or us reaching out to love on you.
Edge Life Health
It's time to take ownership of your life and future. You'll love experiencing the benefits of God's goodness through His provision of natural herbs, knowledge He has imparted to us and recipes to assist in your health changes. Be empowered and make better choices for your life. Take control today and get well, happy and start to dance again!
I, Eric Edge am not ashamed of the gospel of God's grace. I've witnessed too many amazing miracles and life changing outcomes in people's lives. However, it's important to know a few things: I am not qualified to tell you to do or take anything. My authority comes from God and His Word. Edge Life Health is here only to equip you with information. I have scanned the world for information to present to you. It's up to you to research its validity. Speak to your doctor if you have concerns. We are not responsible if you misuse the information we offer. We love you and want the best for you and your family. May God, the creator of the universe continue to love and guide you to truth.
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